
Your fast-moving, zero-waste messaging and positioning intensive.

Feel like a badass writing, speaking, and posting about your one-of-a-kind business

in one MightyFine day.

In one action-packed session, we’ll define and refine your brand’s:


Shine up the critical concepts that drive your brand’s words and actions.


Understand the actual humans your business is built for (it’s not everyone).


Claim the approach or method that sets you apart from the rest.


Craft the concrete, ownable messages that’ll make people say “I need YOU.”


Own the unique combination of feelings, traits, and characteristics that bring your brand to life.

And the best part?

After your Mighty5 Intensive,

YOU ARE (mostly) DONE.

I’ll put the puzzle pieces together from our session, work my copywriting magic, and hand it all to my digital partners to create your gorgeous brand messaging and verbal identity guide.

Use it to overhaul your socials, onboard new people, ace new proposals, charm investors, evaluate new ideas for fit, and start showing up as the brilliant business you are.

Sound like what you need? Let’s talk about it.

This is a zero-pressure, super casual Zoom call, by the way. We might even solve some issues on the spot.

Betsy helped us boil down the many things we do into easily digestible buckets and connect the dots so it’s clear and easy to understand. It’s already been extremely helpful in onboarding new staff, orienting new board members, and crafting pieces for donors. This process not only helped identify our brand, it will keep us on brand going forward!
Lauren Bell, Executive Director
Nashville State Community College Foundation

Mighty5 is the key to:

Getting clear on your competitive advantage
So you can take bigger, bolder swings in your industry.

Knowing exactly what to say and how to say it
Whether you’re pitching to investors, partners or clients.

Sharpening your brand’s promises
and shortening your sales cycle (Yes!).

Understanding your audience
and predicting what they really want from you
(and vice versa).

Tightening up your service offerings
and getting super clear on how to position them.

Getting great work from contractors
because you know exactly how to direct writers, designers, freelancers, and other content creators.

Getting your team on the same page
So you can deliver flawlessly choreographed messaging that sticks.

Developing destined-to-fly products and services
that make beautiful sense under your umbrella of expertise.

Getting excited about how your business shows up
online, in person, and at every touchpoint in between.

Here’s how it works:


You’ll get my super dialed-in self-audit brand homework to get the wheels turning and give me some background info before we meet.

Session Day.

We’ll spend a half day uncovering the big, juicy brand nuggets hiding in the details. No workshoppy gimmicks, no dumb icebreakers, no BS. I’ll put you in the spotlight and we’ll cover tons of ground in one strategic intensive.
*In-person and virtual options available

Mighty5 Map.

I’ll put the language and concepts together from our session, work my word-nerd magic, and wrestle everything into a crystal-clear, at-your-fingertips, digital messaging and verbal identity guide.

Want dibs on the next Mighty5?

I book just two Mighty5 clients each month so I can give you everything I’ve got.
If you’re into Mighty5 or just think you might be, let me know ASAP.

Lucky Zoom folks might see a handsome old dog wandering around in the background.
His name is Walter. That’d be worth it, right?

Mighty5 should be on your radar if:

You’ve outgrown your brand and it’s time to re-think it from the inside out.

You need to nail your next big thing: a new website, product launch, or signature offer… and analysis paralysis has you questioning everything.

You’ve been operating as a “best kept secret” and it’s time to let the (confident) cat out of the bag.

You’re growing fast and need to make—and stick to—bold creative decisions you can feel good about .

You’ve got too many (delightful, opinionated) cooks in the kitchen and need some talking points you can all agree on.

People know you for one thing, but you’re ready to be known for the product/ service/ approach that really lights you up.

You got this far borrowing from brands you admire, but it’s time to toss the training wheels and start acting like the confident, capable business you are.

You’re tired of slapping ideas together on your own and need 1:1 help from a seasoned strategist/ copywriter/ creative director who wants to see you kick more ass and take more names, starting now.

I really enjoyed how easy it was to work with Betsy – and that her process is so straightforward. We ended up with a well thought out and creative brand book and positioning. This work helped my client clearly define what makes them unique, and that will help them communicate to their audience in a concise and clear manner.
Carol Stratford, Partner
Hutchinson Consulting

If you’re looking for traditional branding, keep on walking.

Mighty5 Messaging Strategy is

Mighty5 Messaging Strategy isn't

Think Mighty5 is what you need?

Find out for sure.

I’ll ask questions, you’ll ask questions, we’ll kick up a flurry of meaningful answers.
If we’re both like “YES! We should work together!”, I’ll send you a detailed proposal and we’ll be off and running.

Hey, I’m Betsy.

Mighty5 started brewing back in my early days as an agency creative director. I needed a practical “owner’s manual” to help define a brand’s real-world value and competitive edge, not just its colors and fonts.

I didn’t find it, so I made it.

Turns out, the brand manual was just the icing on the cake; the magic was in the process. Working side by side to dig up and polish the shiny brand gold helped my clients find the clarity and courage to do the next big, cool business thing.

Mighty5 is all grown up now: a road-tested process created, curated and adapted from best practices and ideas across all sorts of industries over my 18+ years in the creative marketing space.

Sprinkle my experience and intuition on top and there you go – that’s the not-so-secret recipe.

I’ve used these core concepts to help nimble startups zero in on their singular magic and guide big, bulky corporations toward strategic brand consensus.

The Mighty5 container is specially built to help underdog businesses sharpen their messaging and position for the next big thing.

That’s where I come in.

Mighty5 Add-Ons

(additional investment)


Website content and strategy, product and place naming, sales pages and more – fold your “I know I’m gonna need this” copy needs into your Mighty5 and get it all done in one bold, beautiful move.


Mighty5 is the perfect time to make sure your brand’s outsides match its insides. I’ll hook you up with some of the best designers in the biz and stay on the project as your creative director and brand liaison from start to finish.

Full Website + Digital Strategies

Look no further, I have the smartest, most charming, and outrageously efficient design/ dev/ digital marketing partners in the land. I’ll stay on as content strategist/ creative director/ brand liaison and we’ll build a just-right site for your business and your budget.

Are you ready to:

Know you’re pushing the right buttons with your people online and in real life?

Create you-specific messaging that fits so well it’s impossible to copy?

Work with someone who takes a genuine interest in your business and what you can create?

Follow a straightforward creative roadmap for your brand?

Get confident and clear about what makes your business special (and why it matters)?

Get better work out of your copywriters, designers, and team?

Update the way you think about, talk about, and promote your business?

Know what to say and how to say it, every. Single. Time?

Let’s get rolling on your Mighty5.

Book a quick call to see if Mighty5 is for you.

Website Design and Development by Muletown Digital